• training@skillsforafrica.org

Flow Of Funds Training Course


In an era characterized by globalization, rapid technological advancements, and interconnected financial markets, a significance understanding of the Flow of Funds is indispensable. The Flow of Funds, also known as the national income and product accounts (NIPA) or the system of national accounts (SNA), provides a comprehensive lens through which to analyze the allocation, distribution, and movement of financial resources among various sectors and entities within an economy. By mastering the intricacies of financial flows, participants will empower themselves on to navigate the complexities of modern economies and contribute to a more stable, resilient, and prosperous financial future. In this course, you will explore the complex web of financial transactions, sectoral balances, and international financial flows that shape economic activity and drive monetary dynamics. This course holds paramount importance for professionals across various sectors, including economists, policymakers, financial analysts, and central bank staff.


  • Understanding flow of funds framework
  • Analyzing sectoral balances
  • Interpreting financial aggregates assessing financial stability risks
  • Evaluating monetary policy transmission
  • Monitoring international financial flows
  • Enhancing policy formulation and decision-making


2 Weeks


This course holds paramount importance for professionals across various sectors, including economists, policymakers, financial analysts, and central bank staff.


   Module 1: Introduction to Flow of Funds Analysis

  • Overview of the importance of flow of funds analysis for central banks
  • Historical development and evolution of flow of funds accounting
  • Basic concepts and definitions: assets, liabilities, net worth, financial transactions
  • Introduction to financial accounts and balance sheets

  Module 2: Sectoral Balances and Financial Aggregates

  • Analysis of sectoral balances: household sector, business sector, government sector, foreign sector
  • Understanding financial aggregates: money supply, credit aggregates, financial assets, and liabilities
  • Interlinkages between sectoral balances and financial aggregates
  • Role of sectoral balance analysis in understanding the flow of funds dynamics

  Module 3: National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA)

  • Overview of national income and product accounts (NIPA)
  • Components of NIPA: GDP, GNP, national income, disposable income
  • Relationship between NIPA and flow of funds data
  • Application of NIPA data in economic analysis and policy formulation

  Module 4: Financial Institutions and Markets

  • Role and functions of monetary and financial institutions in the flow of funds framework
  • Analysis of central bank balance sheet and operations
  • Overview of financial markets: money market, capital market, foreign exchange market
  • Understanding the transmission mechanism of monetary policy through the financial system

  Module 5: Financial Instruments and Transactions

  • Types of financial instruments: bonds, stocks, derivatives, etc.
  • Understanding financial transactions: purchases, sales, loans, deposits, investments
  • Analyzing financial flows: inflows, outflows, net flows
  • Impact of financial innovations on flow of funds dynamics

Module 6: Flow of Funds Data Collection and Compilation

  • Methodology for collecting and compiling flow of funds data
  • Sources of flow of funds data: surveys, administrative records, financial statements
  • Challenges and best practices in flow of funds data compilation
  • Quality assessment and validation of flow of funds data

  Module 7: Flow of Funds Analysis Techniques

  • Time series analysis of flow of funds data
  • Cross-sectional analysis of sectoral balances and financial aggregates
  • Identification of trends, patterns, and structural changes in the flow of funds
  • Use of flow of funds analysis in forecasting and scenario analysis

  Module 8: Linkages Between Flow of Funds and Macroeconomic Variables

  • Relationship between flow of funds and key macroeconomic variables: economic growth, inflation, employment
  • Impact of flow of funds dynamics on financial stability
  • Analysis of financial stability indicators using flow of funds data
  • Case studies and empirical evidence on flow of funds-macroeconomic linkages

  Module 9: Flow of Funds and Monetary Policy

  • Integration of flow of funds analysis into monetary policy formulation
  • Use of flow of funds data for monetary policy implementation and assessment
  • Transmission channels of monetary policy through the flow of funds
  • Policy implications of flow of funds analysis for central bank operations

  Module 10: Flow of Funds and Financial Regulation

  • Role of flow of funds analysis in financial market surveillance and regulation
  • Monitoring systemic risk and vulnerabilities using flow of funds data
  • Regulatory implications of flow of funds dynamics for financial institutions
  • Strategies for enhancing flow of funds analysis capacity within central banks



Course Schedule
Dates Fees Location Apply
09/09/2024 - 20/09/2024 $3000 Nairobi Physical Class

Online Class
07/10/2024 - 18/10/2024 $3000 Nairobi Physical Class

Online Class
11/11/2024 - 22/11/2024 $3000 Mombasa Physical Class

Online Class
09/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $3000 Nairobi Physical Class

Online Class