• training@skillsforafrica.org

Risk-based Pension Funds Supervision And Effective Governance Training


Private Pensions are becoming an increasingly important part of retirement income. Therefore, the quality and the effectiveness of pension funds supervision is getting more and more critical, as well as challenging. In order to achieve effective supervision, supervisory authorities need to expand risk analysis and develop emerging risk capacities. Thus, risk-based supervision (RBS) is imperative to be adopted along with corresponding risk-assessment methodology, that incorporates both micro and macro perspectives.

Strategically selected RBS techniques can result in effective resource allocation, where assets are directed in a way to target the risk exposures that are of greatest concern to the supervisory authority. Hence, RBS is deemed to be a more flexible and dynamic process, that allows for greater efficiency in the event of resource scarcity.

This program has been specifically designed by Skills for Africa Training Institute to equip its participants with in-depth knowledge and essential skills to successfully employ RBS techniques.


At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Possess comprehensive understanding of pensions schemes, funds and plans worldwide
  • Compare and employ global best practices of risk-based pension fund supervision and good governance
  • Develop sound decision-making skills for strategic resources allocation and supervisory strategies
  • Employ various risk techniques for pension fund risk management
  • Set appropriate controls and measures against identified risks
  • Analyze various situations and circumstances and foresee possible outcomes
  • Effectively and efficiently handle and manage senior roles and responsible related to risk-based pension fund supervision and stay relevant and competitive for the industry.


5 Days 


This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Professionals and executives involved in Pension Fund Supervision and Governance
  • Specialists and Policy Makers involved in risk identification, assessment and management.
  • Legal and Financial Advisors concerned with Pension Risks and related disputes
  • BPO Pension Schemes Administrators
  • Public Sector Pension Scheme Legislators and Officials at the local and national level
  • Pensions Managers and Pensions Scheme Managers
  • Pension Officers and Registrars
  • Employee Benefits Directors and Managers
  • Anyone interested in Risk-Based Pension Fund Supervision and Governance


Day One: Risk and Regulations for Pension Industry

  • The Broad categorization of pension industry risk: Portfolio, Agency and Systemic Risks
  • Introduction to Pension Fund Regulatory Mechanism
  • Regulatory Requirements on Risk Management Architecture
  • Licensing, Governance and Investment Rules
  • Independent Custodian, External Audits, and Disclosure Requirements
  • Guarantees, Minimum Capital, and Reserves
  • Cost & Fee Regulations and Sanctions

Day Two: Introduction to Risk-Based Supervision of Pension Funds

  • The financial position of the organization, risk level intensity and supervision scope
  • Shifting the focus to high-level controls and governance
  • Strategic allocation of time and resources: employing proactive approach
  • Common objectives and elements of pensions fund RBS design
  • Key focus areas of RBS model
  • Employing pension fund RBS-Application and adaptation of models
  • Collecting data
  • Supervisory board, staff, industry and power.

 Day Three: Analyzing Risk Landscape

  • Risk-Based Solvency and Risk Scoring Methods
  • Risk Based Capital Rules
  • Funding risk
  • Solvency risk
  • Surplus risk and contribution risk
  • Counterparty credit risk
  • Interest rate mismatch risk
  • Longevity Risk Hedging and Transfers
  • Systematic Risks and Achievability

Day Four: Actionable Tools of RBS

  • Setting objectives and risk focus for supervisory authorities
  • Identifying, mapping and weighting risks
  • Resource allocation decision based on risk assessment
  • Quality assurance
  • Maximizing the value of scarce resources
  • Foreseeing problems timely
  • Challenges in pension fund RBS implementation

 Day Five: Managing and Mitigation Risks

  • Operation and structure of internal risk governance processes
  • Considering risk-based approach in organizational structure
  • Management controls and compliance
  • Setting appropriate procedures and controls
  • Designing and adopting risk management systems
  • Independent reviews
  • Sponsors and financial support
Course Schedule
Dates Fees Location Apply
07/04/2025 - 11/04/2025 $1500 Nairobi
14/04/2025 - 18/04/2025 $1750 Mombasa
21/04/2025 - 25/04/2025 $1500 Nairobi
05/05/2025 - 09/05/2025 $1500 Nairobi
12/05/2025 - 16/05/2025 $4500 Dubai
19/05/2025 - 23/05/2025 $1500 Nairobi
02/06/2025 - 06/06/2025 $1500 Nairobi
09/06/2025 - 13/06/2025 $1750 Mombasa
16/06/2025 - 20/06/2025 $1500 Nairobi
07/07/2025 - 11/07/2025 $1500 Nairobi
14/07/2025 - 18/07/2025 $3500 Johannesburg
21/07/2025 - 25/07/2025 $1500 Nairobi
04/08/2025 - 08/08/2025 $1500 Nairobi
11/08/2025 - 15/08/2025 $1750 Mombasa
18/08/2025 - 22/08/2025 $1500 Nairobi
01/09/2025 - 05/09/2025 $1500 Nairobi
08/09/2025 - 12/09/2025 $3500 Dar es Salaam
15/09/2025 - 19/09/2025 $1500 Nairobi
06/10/2025 - 10/10/2025 $1500 Nairobi
13/10/2025 - 17/10/2025 $3000 Kigali
20/10/2025 - 24/10/2025 $1500 Nairobi
03/11/2025 - 07/11/2025 $1500 Nairobi
10/11/2025 - 14/11/2025 $1750 Mombasa
17/11/2025 - 21/11/2025 $1500 Nairobi
01/12/2025 - 05/12/2025 $1500 Nairobi
15/12/2025 - 19/12/2025 $1500 Nairobi